Adding a degree sign in Word
Method 1: superscript
On the toolbar of the Word text editor, directly in its “Main” tab, there is a group of tools for working with the font. One of them will help us put the sign of the degree symbol in word.
Enter the number or letter (s) to be raised to a power. Set immediately after it the cursor pointer, that is, without clicking on the space bar.
On the toolbar, in the “” tab, in the “Font” parameter group, find the “Superscript” button (made in the form of the x2 icon) and click on it.
Enter the required value of the degree and do not rush after adding it to press the space bar or enter any other characters if they should already be written not in the form of a superscript.
In order to continue writing normally, just use the “Superscript” button (x2) again.
To enable or disable the superscript, with which we wrote down the degree symbol, you can use not only the button on the ribbon, but also the key combination – “CTRL + SHIFT ++” (plus sign located in the upper digital row). In both cases, you can turn an already recorded element into a power – just select it with the mouse and “raise” it to the superscript register. All neat and clean information available on https://degreessymbolsign.com/
A superscript in Microsoft Word 2003
If for some reason you are still using an obsolete version of a text editor from Microsoft, you should know that the algorithm for adding a degree symbol in it is somewhat different. Enter the expression that you want to raise to the power, and also write next to it the number (or letter), which in the future should be a power. That is, in order to get the conditional x2 , enter x2 .
Select the sign that you want to convert to a degree, and then right-click on it. In the context menu that opens, select the Font item. In the “Font” dialog box, which by default will be opened in the tab of the same name, check the “Superscript” checkbox and click “OK.” After setting the required degree value and removing the selection from this element (place the cursor immediately after it), re-open the Font dialog box through the context menu and uncheck the “Superscript” item. This is what will need to be done every time in order to put a degree in Word 2003.